The Round Hill Renaissance Agricultural Foundation is a movement.
A powerfully accessible movement concerned with the sustainability of both our environment and a way of life. A way of life that sees problems and fixes them. You will not see us in the halls of parliament, or congress or the hall of justice.
Our way of life takes us to the earth, the earth that was given to us, and that we hold today as the hope of the future and the honour of the past. We hold this earth, not out of a sense of necessity, or out of expedience, but out of duty to all those who came before us. The land is a gift, sustained in its creation by those who have walked it from time immemorial, and passed down to us by treaty and friendship to today.
But what does all this mean? It means that if you want to be a part of something that works, then join us. We are the doers. Doers that have been given a great responsibility passed down to us. Doers that change the world while others watch. Doers that believe that positive, powerful change comes from positively powerful people doing whatever they can in critical mass. And the best part is, we have already started.
"Hope is what you cultivate." Dr. Vandana Shiva
For the Round Hill Renaissance Agriculture Foundation to be recognized as a focal point for integrating agri-food and educational partnerships.
The Round Hill Renaissance Agriculture Foundation is a volunteer, innovative, networking group who encourages:
1. Connecting people through food
2. Facilitating collaborative partnerships
3. Educating to inspire
1. To promote educational and entrepreneurial learning opportunities for rural and urban youth.
2. To promote sustainable agricultural practices to enhance food security.
3. To connect our community and culture through food.
"In a time when the land is being exploited and our eco-system is in crisis, we need to fully understand our relationship to, and responsibilities to, the land."
Dr. Alex Wilson (2012, September-October) Learning from the Land. Cottage North, page 11-12